1. There is no running water in Jose De La Cruz Mena. This means that the children dont have drinking water for the full 4 hours that they attend school in a constant 30 degree celcius + heat.
2. We would like to create a haven of shade on the school grounds. If it is possible, we could combine this project with another (see number 3.) Ultimately, the children need a place where they can rest from the clutches of the heat. A covered play area is what is needed.
3. We hope to be able to build the school a covered basketball court. In areas where the poverty is as profound as it is in El Pantanal, it is important for the children to have a place to go where they can play and be children. Right now, there is nothing like this in the community. Andres spoke about this while we were shooting the documentary with Studio Red Dot.
Si Quieres, Pueden Reir or Nicaragua School Project Society is an organization driven by friendship--developed to support and supply 600 school children. Founded in 2008. http://www.nicaraguaschoolproject.org.